Double Gold Medal For Sam In Italian Zzap! Magazine

The Italian Zzap! magazine published an extensive review of Sam's Journey on the NES as well as the C64 - and both versions were awarded a Zzap! Gold Medal!

Zzap! Italy Issue 10/95 Cover
Cover Of Zzap! Italy Magazine, Issue #10/95

NES Verdict

From the NES review:

Zzap! Italy Sam's Journey Review NES

Il platformer assoluto del C64 si conferma un capolavoro anche su NES. – Zzap! Italy

The absolute platformer on the C64 is confirmed as a masterpiece on the NES as well. – Zzap! Italy (translated)

Rating: 95 %
Award: Zzap! Gold Medal

C64 Verdict

From the C64 review:

Zzap! Italy Sam's Journey Review C64

Se fosse uscito ai tempi d’oro, probabilmente lo ricorderemmo come il Mario del C64. – Zzap! Italy

If it had come out in its heyday, we would probably remember it as the Mario of the C64. – Zzap! Italy (translated)

Rating: 97 %
Award: Zzap! Gold Medal

Full Reviews

The full reviews start at page 36 in issue #10/95 of the magazine.